The Great Capybara Chase

Описание к видео The Great Capybara Chase

I have written a book all about capybaras: "My Life with Capybaras. What Capybaras Have Taught Me"
Available from Amazon as an e-book and print book

My book gives more information about capybaras than any other book written about this amazing species. With wonderful stories about the capybaras I have spent my life with.

There are lots and lots of photos and links to videos showing the cute and interesting, clever and often amusing behaviours and relationships of these capybaras.

Donut and Syrup chase Ryosuke who they do not like as he is the lowest ranking of the neutered males. Donut and Syrup work cleverly to avoid being prevented from chasing Ryosuke, by the keeper. The hay had not arrived for the capybaras this morning and because it was a weekend, when many visitors are expected, the capybaras had only been given a very small breakfast and they were very hungry. Donut was so hungry that he jumped in my lap when I bought a branch of bamboo. All the capybaras were very hungry and they are always more aggressive when they are hungry. The keeper looked very annoyed at the lack of hay and when I commented that the capybaras were very hungry she handed out lots of bamboo to all the capybaras. Interestingly, this was just after a very unpleasant man, who comes every weekend, disagreed with me when I said the capybaras were very hungry. I got the impression the keeper, who had overheard what the man said in Japanese to his wife, did not like this man and was partly showing support to me by giving out the bamboo. The hay arrived at midday.

Good Very hungry Syrup Donut Chase Ryosuke 22 Jan 2023 006 11.38


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