Air. Water. Land. Intersectional Bird Conservation w/ Teresa 'Bird' Wicks PhD

Описание к видео Air. Water. Land. Intersectional Bird Conservation w/ Teresa 'Bird' Wicks PhD

Land, Water, and Air: Working at the intersection between migratory flyways, land management, and bird conservation

As wetlands across the west diminish in size and temporal availability, partnerships between conservation groups, biologists, and public and private land managers become increasingly important. Bird Alliance of Oregon’s work in the Harney Basin extends back to the early 1900s with the founding of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (then as Oregon Audubon) and into the present through collaborative work with local and regional stakeholders, NGOs, agencies, and land managers. This collaborative work has facilitated not only projects at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, but the development of a project working to understand water and habitat management and how these things influence bird use of flood-irrigated wet meadows in the Harney Basin on public and private lands. In particular, we’re working to understand how invasive plants, such as reed canary grass, and the treatment of invasive plants, do and might (respectively) affect birds. This talk will include a presentation, opportunities to playfully engage with technology being used to expand bird monitoring across Harney County, and at least one opportunity to get out of your seats for a bird-themed game.

Attendance to these presentations is FREE.
Donations are welcome. Suggested donation of $10/attendee can be made at

Questions? Email [email protected]


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