Noco Genius5 Battery Charger and Maintainer Pros/Cons Unboxing and Recharing Battery Review

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Given I haven't driven my vehicle much for the past year, the mechanic indicated that I should either drive the vehicle more or look for a product to recharge the batteries. It's not worthwhile to get a new battery while it's still good but drained. After doing some research, I decided to look at the Noco Genius 5 Battery Charger and Maintainer. Trying to save money and have a well-charged battery in the vehicle is a good idea. Here I'll share how I charged my battery on my vehicle.

Featured Item: (Affiliated link)
NOCO GENIUS5, 5-Amp Fully-Automatic Smart Charger, 6V And 12V Battery Charger, Battery Maintainer, Trickle Charger, And Battery Desulfator With Temperature Compensation

I have used this on all my 3 vehicles including my 2 Lexus ones. I found if you leave it charging overnight, it will automatically go into maintenance mode when completed. Maintenance mode is when only the green bar is lit on after it's fully charged.

Note that this unit charges at 5A, there's another model that charges at 10A. Given the response from different people on car forums and talking to mechanics, I can conclude that using the 5A is a safer current level for the vehicle than higher current 10A models. In addition, charging slower would prolong the life of the car battery. I'm not a mechanic so that's my conclusion from my understanding.

The only cons besides it take longer to charge for the 5A than the 10A is that the price is relatively costly to the 10A price on Amazon.

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