Paul Mauriat - Love Is Blue (1968) - Arranged by Wing - Wing's Piano Performance (age 14)

Описание к видео Paul Mauriat - Love Is Blue (1968) - Arranged by Wing - Wing's Piano Performance (age 14)

"L'amour est bleu" - "Love Is Blue"
Composed by André Popp (1967)
Popular instrumental version conducted by Paul Mauriat (1968)

Arranged by Wing
Wing 聽編曲

Sheet music is arranged by Wing using his self-learned MuseScore software, and is now available for
Any profit from this material is guaranteed to be donated to charities.

此曲譜由 Wing 自學 MuseScore 軟體來編曲,曲譜下載點:

Record date: 2024/05/12
Age 14


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