Описание к видео UDK TUESDAY 247 / TRUWANT + RODET +

Guest: DRIES RODET on behalf of TRUWANT + RODET + upon invitation by Professor Bru.

DRIES RODET studied at the .Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst. in Ghent (BE). He is visiting professor at ENSAV.

TRUWANT + RODET + is a Basel based office engaging with architecture, landscape, exhibition, and scenography. In 2017 they won the Swiss Art Award and are now renovating together with ASBR the centre culturel Suisse in Paris. Since 2018, they founded the non-profit organization das Verein. A cultural platform in Basel presenting lectures and offering a place for debate outside of the institutional framework.

The UdK Tuesday lectures have been organized at the Institute for Architecture and Urban Development at the Berlin University of the Arts since 2005. In over 200 issues, professionals from the fields of architecture and theory have presented their work and discussed it with students, teachers and interested guests.

Archive: https://udk-berlin.de/studium/archite...

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