The Call of the Drum written by Jonathan Maracle performed by Broken Walls, Socan

Описание к видео The Call of the Drum written by Jonathan Maracle performed by Broken Walls, Socan

As we have traveled across the nations we have seen the struggles First Nations people have faced for generations. Its now a time for us to embrace who we are as a people.
"The Call of the Drum" is written as a song of restoration. It is meant to bring honor to First Nations people by using our Indigenous voice and instruments to give thanks and celebrate the goodness of our Creator.
It's a call for us to embrace who we are and to deliver our special gifts and abilities to the world and the generations that will follow.
As you listen, please feel free to dance your prayers as you embrace who you were created to be.
I want to thank my brother, Bill Pagaran/Tlingit of Palmer Alaska and President of "Carry the Cure" for his amazing drum work.
I also wish to thank my brother Josh Maus of Eagle River Alaska for the bass work and the use of his studio to capture and mix the drums. Its always a pleasure to spend time with you Josh.
And I'd like to honor Kris for the time he spent in the studio, traveling and sharing his gifts with our First Nations people across the lands. A big thanks to you and your family. You're always in our hearts.

To Bill, Josh & Kris
You guys are some of my very best friends in the world. Not only have we spent lots of studio time together but we have toured endlessly for many years and seen so many great things happen as a result. It has been an honor to carry our message together.

Your brother and friend
Jonathan Maracle


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