Islam, the SDGs and a post-growth world - Shaykh Salman Badr al-Hasan | UKIFC 2019 London Summit

Описание к видео Islam, the SDGs and a post-growth world - Shaykh Salman Badr al-Hasan | UKIFC 2019 London Summit

Shariah scholar Shaykh Salman Badr al-Hasan of Primary Finance explores the compatibility between the SDGs and the Maqasid al-Shariah. In this highlight from the second panel session of our 2019 London Summit, Shaykh Salman argues that it is forbidden to "consume your legacy", and says that this highlights a point of tension between the SDGs and the Maqasid.

A constant rate of growth as promoted in the SDGs is incompatible with the limits of a finite planet, and with Islam's prohibitions on harming future generations. Rich nations, he puts forward, have to come to terms with the fact that their lifestyles are simply not sustainable. They cannot simply blame the large populations of poor countries for overconsumption, and must learn to accept a post-growth economy.



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