Death - Vacant Planets (Bass Cover)

Описание к видео Death - Vacant Planets (Bass Cover)

In the midst of challenging times, I continue to find the best therapy is playing my bass and working on music. Not only that, but doing it in a way and at a time where it is very vital and productive! So, here's a little piece of that productivity, this cover that I recorded of Vacant Planets, arguably my favorite Death song! It had been way too long since I covered one of their tunes.

I had done the solo section quite some time ago, but I figured it'd be great to update it and do the entire song as well! Steve does lots of interesting things in this song, and while it isn't necessarily at face value the most clustered, bananas bass lines on the record, it is some of the most tasteful and unique. It's not unlike some bass lines that Chris Squire would play. The remastered version of Human is VERY revelatory in the brilliance of the bass on here, and this is one of the songs that benefits the most thanks to the chords in the "main riff" and that amazing bass solo. I tried to be as accurate as possible, as always. Really amped up the aggression here too! It fits the song. All of this culminates in what I see as one of Steve Di Giorgio's best albums. Just amazing. It is possibly one of the most influential performances of his on my own playing style.

Here's to positive times and getting some great things done 💜🤘

#stevedigiorgio #bass #death #deathband #pbass #bassist #metal #deathmetal #metalbass #florida #miami


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