SP 9010: The "Kraut" Out and About

Описание к видео SP 9010: The "Kraut" Out and About

A dedicated group of volunteers at the Pacific Locomotive Association's Niles Canyon Railway is restoring the last surviving Southern Pacific diesel hydraulic locomotive, the 9010, built by Krauss Maffei in Germany in 1964 (hence the nickname "Kraut"). The locomotive had been converted into an unpowered "camera car" in 1969, and after retirement in 1984, it sat derelict in Sacramento, CA until the PLA acquired it in 2008. Much progress has been made since then, internally and externally. On Sunday, June 9, 2013, the group decided to test out the 9010's reconstructed electrical and control system, using the PLA's restored SP SD9 5472 to push the "Kraut" around. The video is a composite of three round trips between the Brightside shops and the depot at Sunol, CA, arranged geographically as though it was all one trip.


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