中國古代皇家瓷器/玉器,瑞士私人收藏 Museum of Far Eastern Art,Geneva Switzerland 🇨🇭

Описание к видео 中國古代皇家瓷器/玉器,瑞士私人收藏 Museum of Far Eastern Art,Geneva Switzerland 🇨🇭

19世紀, 瑞士商人 Alfred Baur(鮑爾 ) 被派往東亞地區工作,在那裡生活其间,他着迷于东方的瓷器艺术品,呕心沥血收藏了許多作品,其中中國陶瓷就有 756 件,涵蓋從 唐(618-907), 宋(907- 1279), 元(1279–1368) 明(1368–1644) 清(1644 -1911)一千多年的中國陶瓷歷史。 這些作品以精美的製作,珍貴的價值,裝飾的和諧而享譽全球。其中,宋代(960-1279)的單色瓷器,康熙、雍正和乾隆年間(1662-1795)景德鎮窯爐生產的清代宮廷器皿尤為突出。

Swiss businessman Alfred Baur (Bauer) was sent to work in East Asia in the 19th century. During this period, he was fascinated by oriental porcelain artworks。Painstakingly,he collected many works, among them there are 756 pieces of Chinese ceramics, covering more than a thousand years of Chinese ceramic history, from Tang (618-907),Song (907- 1279) to the Yuan (1279–1368), Ming (1368–1644) and Qing Dynasties (1644 -1911).

These pieces are renowned worldwide for their exquisite workmanship, precious value, and harmony of decoration. Among them, the most outstanding are the monochrome porcelain from Song Dynasty and the court wares produced by Jingdezhen kilns in Qing Dynasty during the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong periods.


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