Canon XA70 Camcorder for VLog? (Canon R8 B Roll)

Описание к видео Canon XA70 Camcorder for VLog? (Canon R8 B Roll)

Why would anybody use a camcorder to make a VLog?
Does it make any sense?
Are you unwilling to upgrade to a mirrorless camera?
Have you spent your whole life filming your family on camcorders and unwilling to make the switch?

I don't know what your deal is, but camcorders still have a place today if you want a camera with a long zoom and a battery that lasts forever while not overheating.
A big discrepancy between mirrorless and camcorders comes down to sensor size, the Canon XA 70 has a one inch sensor that is the same size as the Sony ZV1. It is not as good as a full frame sensor or even APSC but if you are filming in daylight hours outside or can control your lighting inside, it may work for you.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt because I'm an AMATEUR as you'll be able to tell by watching the video.


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