Leptin Resistance Diet | Dr. Janine

Описание к видео Leptin Resistance Diet | Dr. Janine

Leptin Resistance Diet | Dr. Janine

In this video, Dr. Janine talks about the leptin resistance diet. She explains that you need to stop the intake of fructose for the leptin resistance diet. She looks at high fructose foods to avoid. She explains that fructose alters the blood-brain barrier blocking leptin from the brain, causing leptin resistance. Lastly, Dr. Janine talks about how uric acid is often caused by the body not metabolizing fructose well, so high uric acid levels in the blood could be a sign of leptin resistance.

Video Chapters
00:00 – Intro
00:10 – Stop Fructose
00:15 – High Fructose Foods
00:51 – Why No Fructose for Leptin Resistance Diet?
01:26 – Uric Acid and Leptin Resistance

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