What is various Tubal Patency Test?-Dr. Nirmala Mohan

Описание к видео What is various Tubal Patency Test?-Dr. Nirmala Mohan

It is the radiographic evaluation of uterus and fallopian tubes under fluoroscopic guidance. It involves the injection of radiopaque iodine through cervix to visualise its fill and spill. It is less invasive and inexpensive OPD procedure. It has the potential role of increasing the probability if achieving pregnancy, especially oil soluble dye, oil soluble contrast is used like lipiodol. Nowadays water soluble contrast is used as it is quickly absorbed, leaving no residue and no granuloma formation. The sensitivity is 73% and specificity is 83%, so as to rule out tubal obstruction. The drawback is exposure of ovaries to radiation. The risk of PID after HSG is 1 to 3 %.


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