Whetstone sharpening. Finally got my hands on some Morihei Stones

Описание к видео Whetstone sharpening. Finally got my hands on some Morihei Stones

00:00 - blablablabla
04:55 - Morihei Hishiboshi 500
11:00 - Morihei Hishiboshi 1000
16:56 - Morihei Hishiboshi 6000
20:40 - I promise he is fine :P
22:05 - Morihei Hishiboshi 12 000
28:48 - Final thoughts

So i finally got to try out the Morihei stones. Take my "review" for what it is. Its my first time with them, and my opinions are likely to change once i get som decent time on them. So a revisit will done when the time is due.

I do apologize for all the cut tests in between the stones, but i really like to know how the edge i slike in every step, especially when im trying out new stones.
And the crying kid, that was Emil, who was very tired and just wanted som daddy time. NO kids where harmed during the making of this video :)

Yea, and im working on my setup, and other places to shoot as well. i will keep you posted.

* Notes
- I didnt properly deburr of the 6k, so the cut test is a bit mesleading
- I talk about soft and hard stones, but the stones are in the harder range. We are not talking about Rika, Ouka, Aotoshi kinda soft :)


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