
Описание к видео #手工黑糖粉粿簡單做




做好一盒放進冰箱,冰隔夜吃起來同樣Q彈...晶瑩剔透的外表,透著迷人的黑糖香氣,令人難以抗拒,來看看如何製作吧!! 趕緊學起來!!

The refreshing and cool handmade brown sugar starch jelly is a perfect snack for hot summer days. Whether enjoyed on its own, added to drinks, or even paired with shaved ice, it's all great!🥰

This delicious brown sugar starch jelly is easy to make. Simply mix all the ingredients together, heat and stir until it forms a mushy dough, and then steam it thoroughly using a rice cooker. That's it! 😉

♥️ For detailed pictures and steps please refer to ♥️

Once you've made a batch, and store it in the refrigerator, it will taste the same Q bomb overnight. The crystal clear appearance reveals the charming aroma of brown sugar, is truly irresistible. let's see how to make it!! Learn it now!!

音樂: Alison
音樂家: Jason Shaw
URL: https://audionautix.com
Once you've made a batch, and store it in the refrigerator, it will taste the same Q bomb overnight. The crystal clear appearance reveals the charming aroma of brown sugar, is truly irresistible. let's see how to make it!! Learn it now!!


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