Sheep Farming: How We Prepare For Winter

Описание к видео Sheep Farming: How We Prepare For Winter

Today at Ewetopia Farms, we focus on all the preparations we have to do around the farm before winter really sets in. In Canada, winters can be very cold with lots of snow. We are located in eastern Ontario and luckily have not had snow yet this year but with temperatures dipping below freezing at night, it is bound to happen soon. Snow and freezing temperatures can lead to freezing water lines so today we make sure curtains on our barns are unlocked and ready to shut at a moments notice and all windows are closed and put back in their sills. We put down extra bedding to keep the sheep cozy and warm and to help create a bedding pack that in turn produces heat and further protects the water lines. All our feed is harvested and stored for easy retrieval to feed the sheep throughout the winter. But also before it gets too cold, we start decorating the barns for Christmas. Although not necessary, it does hep to brighten the spirits during the harsh, dark winter months.

And because the Dorset lambs are at a fun age now, we spend time watching them frolicking in the barnyard where cold seems to affect them not in the least!

Sheep and sheep farming is our passion and we hope that the love we have for what we do is obvious to you the viewers. Our operation is a large scale, purebred seed stock sheep farm combining the best of pasture and confinement to manage the flock for maximum comfort, minimal stress, and producing a consistent, very high quality product.

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Contact Information:

Website: Https://

Lynn McKay and Arnie Droogh
3606 6th Concession Road
Kingston, Ontario
K0H 1Y0
[email protected]

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