Me vs Fujiwara no Mokou (IN Extra Boss)

Описание к видео Me vs Fujiwara no Mokou (IN Extra Boss)

"My time is unlimited. Thats why I must treasure this limited time."
(One of my favorite fanmade phrases Mokou says)

High Quality (Highly recommended)
   • Me vs Fujiwara no Mokou (IN Extra Boss)  

A video of me fighting and slightly less barely defeating the immortal phoenix girl, Fujiwara no Mokou

Fujiwara no Mokou (even her name depicts greatness) is the ex-boss of the game Imperishable Night, the 8th installment of the Touhou Project. The Touhou Project is a series of danmaku shooters. Danmaku is a term than can be loosely translated (and quite aptly in my opinion) into "curtain of fire" or "bullet hell", thus denoting game were high density in bullet is more important that a lot of enemies. The series was created and is managed by the one man team Team Shanghai Alice, composed only of ZUN.

A little Touhou/Japanese folktale history lesson: Mokou is the disliked daughter of an aristocrat. Said aristocrats was humiliated by Kaguya Horaisan, a "commoner", when he asked for her hand in matrimony and she responded by giving him an impossible request. Kaguya, being actually a Lunarian princess, went back to the moon and left behind with the emperor the Japanese version of the fountain of youth, the Hourai Elixir. This elixir was scheduled to be destroyed by the emperor's order, but was stolen last minute by Mokou, who had made her objective in life to avenge her father and kill Kaguya. This is how Mokou achieved her immortality and created a bitter rivalry with Kaguya, who happens to also be immortal due to the elixir, therefore creating a vicious cycle. [Kaguya's story is HEAVILY based on a Japanese folktale called "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter". Wiki for it]

Back to Mokou. Some fans argue whether she is really possessed by a phoenix or not. Personally, I believe she is possessed. This would explain how she gained the ability to manipulate fire. You can clearly see in her spellcards this manipulation, as well as her immortality after each spell since you technically kill her each time...

Another thing about Mokou's fight is that her non-spellcards are, IMO, more difficult than most of her spellcards. They move at such an insane speed is absurd. I had captured both Honest Mans Death and Fujiyama Volcano before, but I had never survived without bombs her last non-spellcard. I believe shes unique in that department. Still, out of the three ex-bosses I had battled, I enjoyed this battle the most. It keeps you in your feet with fast paced action. She wasn't as difficult as I expected... but not by much.

More info about the Touhou series can be found in this wiki page:


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