Touhou 8 - Imperishable Night - Perfect Stage 6B - Lunatic

Описание к видео Touhou 8 - Imperishable Night - Perfect Stage 6B - Lunatic

A video of me fighting through stage 6B and its boss: The Eternal Moon Princess, Kaguya Houraisan, without dying or bombing.

Help with difficult attacks:

Yes you can manipulate boss movements, but its not as important here since there are fewer attacks that you need to rush through. As always, go to the boss's left to move them left and their right to move them right.

One of few attacks in the series that is designed to trap you and is extremely effective at doing so. My advice is to rush through it and manipulate Kaguya's movements. Also, get used to going unfocused.

This is mostly dodging. It traps you occasionally but not always. I'd actually advise against aggressive dodging and instead, if you get dense patterns of circle bullets, move further horizontally. The gaps in the long bullets get smaller though, so be warned.

There are 3 strategies for this. You can do what I do and stream very slowly so you don't need to reverse the stream, you can stream vertically or you can stream horizontally at a normal speed. I found that vertical streaming was too complicated for me to learn and doing reversals isn't always reliable. You can take out one of the familiars before they start shooting but this is only useful if you doing horizontal streaming with reversals. If you doing the slow streaming strategy, you'll want to pass through almost every gap the static pattern makes. Skip a gap if the laser will spawn in said gap. Be warned though, I skipped 3 gaps and was less than a second from death. If you're not at full power, do not use this strategy.

General strategy should be obvious. The only things worth mentioning are that you should try to deal damage to Kaguya as quickly as possible and that the hitbox for the lasers is a bit slow. When they appear to go solid, you have a short time during which you can still pass through them unharmed. The same is true for Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond" and Forgiveness "Honest Man's Death". You'll definitely want to practice this extensively if you're uncomfortable dodging bullets from behind.

Streaming. You can do the start in a number of ways. If you want to do what I did then the first position's height is the top of the capital "I" in "Imperishable". I start the main part of the spell from the first digit on the score on the youkai gauge. The streaming is actually very consistent and easy if you use the yellow balls strategy, which involves turning the stream when you go under the yellow bullets that I did. The last 2 reversals require you to use cyan bullets instead. For the penultimate reversal, you'll need to move through the gap, wait a bit then turn the stream.

The lines are aimed around around you so you can get very close to Kaguya. As for the reversal of the red bullets, I drop down at 09 on the timer (I go by hearing the counter count twice). Rest should be obvious.

The lines are static, with Border Team hitbox, the bottom right corner is safe for 3 waves but you might need to move with other teams. For the rest, as a general rule of thumb, I tap to move 3 times or more to ensure the bubbles don't hit me.

Very RNG dependent and very fast. Honestly, I got lucky and there's not much you can do except practice this. The key is getting used to dodging the fast bullets rather than trying to unfocus and move somewhere else on the screen. With the curving bullets, try to stay in the centre but get some practice at doing the attack off centre too. This was by far my most problematic attack, so don't feel bad if you're struggling with this. I came close to death multiple times.


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