Meet the man behind the success story of ISRO- AS Kiran Kumar

Описание к видео Meet the man behind the success story of ISRO- AS Kiran Kumar

10 interesting facts about ISRO’s record 104 satellite launch

ISRO’s 104 satellite launch today is the highest number launched in a single mission.

Earlier, the Russian space agency had launched 37 satellites in one go in 2014.

Of the 104 satellites, three are Indian and 101 foreign.

714 kg Cartosat-2 was the main cargo; 103 smaller "nano satellites" weighed a combined 664 kg.

A whopping 96 satellites are from the US alone.

88 “Doves” weighing around 5kgs each from Planet.

Nano sats from countries like Israel, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Switzerland and UAE

Cartosat-2 series satellite will send images for coastal land use, distribution of water, land use maps etc

Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) was used for the launch.

The powerful XL variant rocket -- earlier used in Chandrayaan and Mars Orbiter Mission – was used.


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