How to Stop Catastrophizing | Dr. Henry Cloud

Описание к видео How to Stop Catastrophizing | Dr. Henry Cloud

Do you feel like you’re always waiting for something bad to happen? Dr. Henry Cloud takes a question from the audience about how and why we jump to the worst-case scenario. What’s often going on is related to anxiety. When a person is anxious they will try to find the cause of their anxiety in external places and events, when really it’s coming from within. Dr. Cloud shares ways to rewire your brain and look at what you’ve been through, what’s actually happening, and what software you’re bringing to these situations.

Audience Question:
I often find myself falling into a pattern where every small problem seems like a disaster waiting to happen. It's like my mind automatically jumps to the worst-case scenario, even for trivial things, making me anxious and stressed. Can you explain what's happening, why it happens, and offer some strategies to help manage or overcome these overwhelming thoughts? Is this 'catastrophizing?'

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