Vape electronics revisited

Описание к видео Vape electronics revisited

After finding a vape with a blue flashing LED, measurements are made to determine just how the vape works. The heating coil has a resistance of ~1.5 Ohms and is ~6 watts and will only stay on for ~10 seconds. A capacitor is used to show that the LED flashes and the output won’t switch on when the supply voltage is less than 3V2. The same capacitor is used to show in real time that charging stops when at ~4V2 . It is shown {when the connections are correct} that a variable capacitor can be used to operate the sensor. The sensors structure is analysed but the way it works is not understood. The sensor includes an insulated metal ring with a plastic film across the top. The film was very delicate but it did not seem to be conductive.
Not included in the video were unsuccessful attempts to show the sensors capacitance changing with pressure This involved disassembling and reassembling the sensor with wires coming out.
It was also found but not in the video that at ~4V the output is rapidly pulsed and at low pressures slow pulsing occurs.


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