AMA w/ Jimmy Akin | Catholic Answers Live | September 16, 2024

Описание к видео AMA w/ Jimmy Akin | Catholic Answers Live | September 16, 2024

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TOPIC: Ask Me Anything: Catholicism
GUEST: Jimmy Akin

00:00:15 - Introduction
00:02:12 - How was it determined that seven is the “age of reason” for receiving communion?
00:05:09 - Can you explain how the Byzantine Catholic Church is fully in union with the Roman Catholic Church?
00:07:15 - Can you explain what the gift of tongues is? I have met Catholics who pray in tongues who are a part of the Charismatic Catholic Renewal
00:14:47 - My Nan (grandmother), who was a sweet southern woman, always said to us kids about having children: "If you pencil them in hun you will never be able to afford them. Just have them, and somehow, it all works out!"
00:17:25 - Yes, Jimmy can you adopt me and be my grandpa
00:20:19 - In a video, I heard you say that the evidence for the Exodus was high, but not so much for the Conquest of Jericho. How can we understand scriptural inerrancy in light of this?
00:23:59 - As a protestant one thing that I think disproves the notion of the Catholic church is the existence of corruption in past popes.
00:36:40 - I always enjoy your insight on controversial topics on faith. Did mother Mary die in Israel or in Turkey and has her grave ever been identified? Joseph Kamau from rural Kenya.
00:43:45 - What would people in the Old Testament have to do in order to be forgiven by God?
00:52:59 - Can you explain the errors of premillennialism?
00:55:15 - 5-Minute Break
01:02:19 - How should we understand the premillennialism of fathers like Irenaeus and Papias who claimed to have received the doctrine from the apostle John in light of church teaching against chiliasm?
01:06:59 - What can be done to get more black Americans to convert? All races deserve to know that the Catholic Church is the one that Jesus Christ founded.
01:12:24 - Do we pray to God to let Mary know our prayers? Or do we pray to her directly? If we pray to her directly...what position/posture should our bodies take while asking her to pray for us?
01:15:45 - I find Eucharistic Prayers #1 & #4 - especially #1 in its long form naming so many saints, linking us more deeply to the history and historicity of the Catholic Church - to be so beautiful and inspiring. Yet today nearly every priest seems use #2 (the shortest) and #3 (the most generic). Is it simply the brevity (understandable for daily Mass) and the genericity that makes them favor #2 & #3, or are there other reasons?
01:21:08 - If I could learn a new language to read the Bible, would it be more beneficial to learn Biblical Greek or Ecclesiastical Latin?
01:23:17 - I'm just asking a question about Jesus, Mary, maybe Elijah, having bodies in the afterlife. Where? How? (I'm guessing there are no definitives, but would like to hear your ideas)
01:28:42 - From the Catholic perspective, what the heck are fairies?
01:34:30 - Does the Church teach that the gods worshiped in pagan religions are demons or just imaginary?
01:40:45 - Does the evidence better support the Dormition of Mary (that she was assumed into heaven after her death) or that she was assumed into heaven without experiencing death?
01:41:40 - I've heard a theory that the story of Jonah is a fictional satirical work. I think this is interesting because the moral and purpose of the story effectively remain the same, but I wondered if there were any other implications, and I also wondered what you think of the theory in general.


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