Top 5 Best Suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia | 2023

Описание к видео Top 5 Best Suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia | 2023

There are so many great suburbs around Atlanta that is truly hard to pick just 5! Spending time looking at moving data, hard facts, school ratings, coupled with my own experiences, I was able to narrow it down to the Top 5 Best Suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia in 2023. Moving is a big decision, especially if you are coming from out of state and not familiar with the areas so after you watch this video, reach out and text or email me - we can always dive deeper based on what your families specific needs are.

Are you thinking of buying or selling a home in the suburbs of Georgia? My team and I would love to help!
~Email me at [email protected] to get started.

Ashley Lazarian is a licensed real estate agent. License 291747
Ashley Lazarian, Haven Homes Group 678-776-0177

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