What is Preventive Maintenance ?

Описание к видео What is Preventive Maintenance ?

The FAA permits a pilot to perform preventive maintenance (PM) on an aircraft owned or operated by that pilot, provided the aircraft is used strictly for non-commercial operations. Pilots may do PM without any A&P involvement, which is pretty cool. But what exactly constitutes PM? In FAR Part 43 Appendix A, the FAA has listed 31 specific tasks that they consider to be PM. But in 2009, the FAA's Rulemaking Division issued a little-known legal interpretation that expands the definition of PM far beyond those 31 items. In this webinar, maintenance expert Mike Busch takes you through these regs and legal interpretations to shed light on the question of what maintenance tasks it is really permissible for a pilot to do on his own recognizance.

Savvy Aviation offers Professional Maintenance Services to owners of General Aviation aircraft, such as: SavvyMx (Professional Maintenance Management), SavvyQA (Expert Consulting), SavvyPrebuy, SavvyAnalysis (Engine Data Analysis) and Breakdown Assistance. Savvy also publishes a monthly newsletter with lots of interesting information for the general aviation enthusiast; subscribe to it at https://www.savvyaviation.com/home/ge.... For more information, visit us at https://savvyaviation.com. This webinar was hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA).


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