純素自製鮮味粉【無添加的天然味精!多種菇菌加海帶、芝麻 | 簡單乾淨.營養健康.提鮮聖品.多種菇菌.多種營養素】Homemade No Salt All Purpose Vegan Seasoning

Описание к видео 純素自製鮮味粉【無添加的天然味精!多種菇菌加海帶、芝麻 | 簡單乾淨.營養健康.提鮮聖品.多種菇菌.多種營養素】Homemade No Salt All Purpose Vegan Seasoning


鮮味來自日文的旨味(うまみ),在英文裡稱作 umami,意指令人愉悅的鮮美鹹香,此詞於 1908 年由東京大學的化學家池田菊苗創造。他發現在蔬果、起司、肉類等食材裏都有著特殊的味道,其中以日式昆布高湯的味道來得最濃郁。他著手研究昆布,發現鮮味的來源是穀氨酸鹽。找到解答後,他將之運用於工業化大量生產,製出味精,並取得專利。

雜菇菌 80 克
(影片中使用了茶樹菇、蟲草花、雞油菌、黃金菇、姬松茸、鹿茸菌、牛肝菌、 黑皮雞樅菌、松茸、羊肚菌。
香菇 60 克
茶樹菇 60 克
乾昆布(乾海帶) 40 克
芝麻 40 克

純素自製鮮味粉【無添加的天然味精!多種菇菌加海帶、芝麻 | 簡單乾淨.營養健康.提鮮聖品.多種菇菌.多種營養素】Homemade No Salt All Purpose Vegan Seasoning

Copyright @ 百歲廚娘 陳奶奶健康煮 (The Centenarian Chef Grandma Chan) 2020.
Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned!!

【English Recipe】

Grandma Chan always cooks healthily and naturally without using any additives, so this time we are sharing with you a no-additive all-purpose seasoning powder which is made with vegan ingredients that can replace the chemical seasonings in the market, such as MSG and chicken powder :)

What is Umami?

The fifth taste in addition to sweet, sour, bitter, and salty is called umami.
It comes from the Japanese word うまみ, which means a pleasant, savory flavor, and was coined in 1908 by Kikunae Ikeda, a chemist at the University of Tokyo, who discovered that ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, cheese, and meat all had a special flavor, with the strongest flavor coming from Japanese kombu soup. He researched kombu and discovered that the source of the flavor was glutamate. Once he found the answer, he applied it to industrial mass production to produce MSG (Ajinomoto-Hompo), which he patented.


Dried Assorted Mushrooms 80g
(Cordyceps flower, chanterelle, golden oyster mushroom, Agaricus blazei, fried chicken mushroom, Porcini, Oudemansiella raphanipies, matsutake, and morels are used in the video.
You can substitute your favorite mushrooms for these combinations!)
Dried shiitake mushrooms 60g
Dried chestnut mushroom 60g
Dried kelp 40g
Sesame 40g


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