I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 75

Описание к видео I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 75

Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

In this week’s episode we cover:

1. I love the look of tubular cast on, but every time I try to do it, my stitches keep twisting. Any advice how to ensure not to twist my stitches when starting to work in round?

2. When slipping stitches does it really matter if you slip them knitwise or purlwise?

3. Dear Andrea, my question today is about tensionning when working on cables. I love all your designs and have been having lots of fun with colors, mosaic and brioche knitting but I am now launching into a couple projects with cables - Honey Moss and Winter Beach Cardi. Specifically my question is how much to tension the yarn when knitting the stitches on the cabling needle? Do I try to get it tight or will a little looser be ok as well? on the bigger cables I feel like I am squishing everything together! Thank you for all the inspiration and beautiful patterns you bring us.

4. I love your designs and really enjoy knitting them. Your directions are easy to follow. My question may sound stupid but when designers talk about yardage used for a project, especially a small piece, how do you determine the yardage? I can picture myself measuring the yarn before I start knitting and marking off a yard at a time! I know there must be an easier way but it just escapes me. I'm used to dealing with ounces and grams! Thanks for your help!
Divide the length (yards or meters) by the weight (grams).
Weigh your finished knit.
Multiply that weight by the g/yd - you know have your total yardage used!
For example: I am using a fingering weight yarn that is 100 g/400 yds per skein. 400 divided by 100 = 4 yds per 1 gram. My finished hat weighs 80 grams. I can multiply that weight by my yards per gram to see how many yards I (approximately) used to make the hat - 80 x 4 = 320 yds :)

5. I’d like to get your thoughts on which needles to purchase for sock knitting. I love to knit and am just about to start sock knitting for the first time. I need to purchase some needles but don’t know whether to go for DPNs or fixed circulars and what needle material to buy. Decisions, decisions! What is the easiest method for a beginner to sock knitting? My needle set for standard knitting is the Lykke Umber set and I love them. I’m a slightly looser/relaxed English style knitter. Thanks!

Chiaogoo shorties: https://tinyurl.com/5735f3dk

5th Annual KAL for the Alpenglow Sweaters: Ravelry Forum: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/magpi...
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DRK Spin It to Knit It…Along - Weekender Style - Ravelry Forum:

Join on Instagram with the hashtags: #DRKspinittoknitKAL and #DRKspinsTHEWEEKENDER

Inclinations Cowl KAL Ravelry Forum: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/drear...

Join on Instagram with the hashtag #InclinacowlKAL

I am wearing Moonwake Cowl:

With my Penny Raglan:

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