How to do Knuckle Push Ups | Knuckle Conditioning

Описание к видео How to do Knuckle Push Ups | Knuckle Conditioning

Follow the progressions in this video on how to do knuckle push-ups to condition your knuckles, wrists, hands, and forearms.
For Solid Wrists and Forearms

An adequate level of strength and stability of the wrists is essential to athletes and non-athletes as well. The knuckle push-up variations are favored exercises in martial arts and boxing for a good reason. The primary benefits of doing push-ups on the knuckles are the stronger and more stable wrists and forearms. It's common for people to experience pain in their wrists during standard push-ups in their hands.

Biomechanically during push-ups, the knuckle position compared to the standard hand position is more optimal for the wrist joint. This exercise is a good choice for anyone who needs stronger and more stable wrists. Based on my experience almost everyone in today's society has a weaker than optimal level of wrist strength and stability.

Exercises Progressions

Before you attempt performing Knuckle Push-Ups make sure you can comfortably perform 20 reps with the Push-Up Handles, are able to hold the Knuckle Push-Up position for 30 seconds, and are able to do 20 reps of modified Knuckle Push-Ups from your knees.

Use a soft surface under your knuckles like a yoga mat, a folded towel, or a carpeted floor.

Don't overdo the exercises. If you are a beginner don't push the exercises on your knuckles till failure because your wrist can slip out of the right position posing some risk of injury.
#knucklepushups #wriststrength #strongknuckles

Knuckle Push-Up Hold: duration - 30 seconds x repeat it 3 times

Push-Up with Handles - 20 reps x 3 sets

Kneeling Knuckle Push-Up 20 reps x 3 sets

Knuckle Push-Up 10-15 reps x 3 sets


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