Ultimate Slam Ball Exercises & Workout Routines

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FREE report - 5 Best Core Killer Exercises!

Are you using a Medicine Ball in your training? Ever heard it called a SLAM BALL? Strength Coach Brian Klepacki shows you exactly how to do triple extension and incorporate the medicine slam ball exercises and movements into your workouts.

These workouts require just your body weight and a slam ball. Slam ball is just a soft medicine ball which is preferred for slams since it doesn't bounce. The weight is up to you depending on your level of ability.

10 lbs is a good starting weight for just about anyone but typically guys can handle up to 20-30lbs.

These routines are total body killers and are great for beginners, intermediates and advanced lifters. Pay close attention to how Brian performs the exercises, he is a pro!

By the way, Strength Coach Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS does training exactly like this to keep his 6-pack abs all year round. This style of training also helps with conditioning and explosive power. Give these workouts a try asap, you won't be sorry you did...OR maybe you will.

Top 6 Slam Exercises

Traditional Slams
Cross Body Slams
Slam to Sprawl
Frog Toss
Underhand Toss
Wall Side Toss

Routine 1:

3 rounds of:

15 jumping jacks,
10 slams,
5 box jumps

Routine 2:

Cross Body Slams - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Russian Twists - 3 Sets of 20 Reps

with a Finisher

Slam Ball Burpees - 25 Reps

#1 Workout for Size & Strength SIMULTANEOUSLY

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