5 Things I Would Tell My 20 Year Old Self

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The funny thing about hindsight is that while there’s so much I’d want to tell my younger self—about self-worth, vulnerability, and the importance of purpose—doing so might have altered the very struggles that shaped who I am today. It’s through the challenges I faced that I’ve grown emotionally resilient, learned when to show vulnerability, and how to openly admit when I’m hurt or in need of support.

If I had bypassed those lessons, perhaps I wouldn’t be the person I am now: someone strong in his convictions, secure in his identity, and possessing a deeply rooted sense of self-esteem. These qualities weren't just handed to me; they were forged in the tough times and through a journey of real self-discovery.

Each setback, each moment of self-doubt, was crucial. They taught me not only about my strengths but also about the profound strength that comes from understanding and overcoming my weaknesses. Yes, if I could go back, I might spare myself some pain, but I would also risk losing the invaluable gains made through those experiences. In the end, all these elements have been essential in developing a genuine and sustainable sense of self-worth that’s based not on what I have, but on who I am.


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