Riding the wind at the Battle Rally (Flying Upgrade, 9,850 pts) [Pokemon Masters EX]

Описание к видео Riding the wind at the Battle Rally (Flying Upgrade, 9,850 pts) [Pokemon Masters EX]

0:00 - Free upgrade + Pattern

Been a while since I got a rotational pattern. It's not a particularly friendly pattern to my caked units, but at least it's not a Sprint-heavy or Field-heavy rotation haha. On the other hand, I got Flying Upgrade AGAIN, and unlike the last time, there wasn't any upgrade offered in the shop that could help me out in later stages. Ugh.

0:11 - Field + Sprint vs. Fairy-weak Sidney: EX Volo / Rei / Archer

Field + Sprint on Area 1 only has one possibility so it was easier to decide which units to use here. I'm so curious what the hell is gonna go down between Volo and Rei in the mysterious stones arc - I think they're handling that story really well so far.

2:14 - Sprint + Strike vs. Fighting-weak Glacia: EX-R +6E SS Gladion / Kahili / EX Alder

There's another Sprint + Strike stage later on, but I usually find myself putting SS Gladion in one stage and NC Silver in another since they don't really work well together. Alder boosts Gladion's multipliers while Kahili provides both the upgrade and master passive boosts.

3:34 - Strike + Tech vs. Psychic-weak Bruno: EX-R +6E SC Barry / EX-R Classic Blue / BP Falkner

NC Cheren is my fifth unit with this role combo, so I can now split the five of them across the two Strike + Tech stages this pattern. Since Cheren will give the upgrade boost, I used SC Barry and Classic Blue here and rounded it out with BP Falkner for the Attack debuffs.

5:34 - Tech + Support vs. Poison-weak Blue: EX-R +10E SS Silver / EX-R +8E Tierno / Tech Farfetch'd

Similarly, with two Tech + Support stages this time around, I split my four units with x2 multipliers across both of them. The two frogs obviously go together so I put SS Silver and Tierno here, with Tech Farfetch'd rounding out the team with flinches and additional Defense debuffs.

8:17 - Support + Field vs. Dark-weak Acerola: EX-R Akari / EX-R V Thorton / EX Falkner

First time in a long while where I don't have to use Akari with the other Field + Strike units hahaha. I used V Thorton here for the multiplier, but I left SS Morty for Area 10 in case I needed him there. Instead I used his fellow Johto support Falkner for the upgrade bonus. I didn't use Thorton's TM in case I needed to use him in the next stage.

10:17 - Field + Sprint vs. Rock-weak Flint: EX-R Geeta / EX-R Mix Blue / EX Nemona

Flint summons sun so I figured I'd bring Mix Blue to spread some debuffs. Geeta took care of damage with Rock Slide while Nemona dodge-tanked and boosted the master passive. Was quite lucky with TM MPRs here - if only I get those when I do their solos.

13:39 - Sprint + Strike vs. Fairy-weak Hala: EX-R NC Silver / EX Blue / EX-R Paulo

Previous weeks have led me to use NC Silver and Paulo in separate stages for the multipliers but they finally reunite this week. Blue provided flinches and the upgrade boost.

15:42 - Strike + Tech vs. Electric-weak Phoebe: EX-R NC Cheren / EX-R SS Hau / EX-R Anni Lillie

I probably should've been syncing with SS Hau instead but I tunnel visioned to the shiny new unit lol. The only reason getting Flying Upgrade this week wasn't all that bad was because of NC Cheren.

18:58 - Tech + Support vs. Grass-weak Siebold: EX-R NC Serena / EX-R NC Calem / Support Pidgeot

Slightly annoying since I couldn't use NC Calem's rain whenever I could, so this relied a lot on flinches from NC Serena and Pidgeot. I didn't use Serena's TM or B Move in case I needed to use her in the next stage, though in hindsight her being in low HP by the end would've made it a bit difficult to use her oops.

22:05 - Support + Field vs. Argenta: EX-R SS Morty / EX-R NC Blue / EX-R SST Red + Ultra Jelly purchase

The only Flying-types I had left that would've given me the bonus here are Skyla and Support Spearow. I did try doing this without the Ultra Jelly but I only got as far as the half-way point, so I just went with the purchase to get it over with.

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