Op-amp TS 10: Input Offset Voltage and How To Measure It

Описание к видео Op-amp TS 10: Input Offset Voltage and How To Measure It

In this video of the op-amp tutorial series we introduce the first deviation from the ideal op-amp paradigm - the input offset voltage, discuss the effect input offset voltage has on the non-inverting and inverting amplifier configurations, introduce a circuit that accurately measures input offset voltage, then measure the input offset voltage of an LM324 in the lab using that circuit

Concepts discussed:
- input offset voltage concept overview
- the effect of input offset voltage on the non-inverting amplifier configuration
- the effect of input offset voltage on the inverting amplifier configuration
- how to measure input offset voltage of an op-amp
- precisely measuring input offset voltage of the LM324

00:00 Introduction
00:22 Input Offset Voltage Concept Overview
05:16 Effect on Non-inverting Amp
07:01 Effect on Inverting Amp
08:22 Precision Measurement Circuit
15:51 Lab Demo
18:14 Conclusion


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