Ruba Shamshoum - Burkan (Volcano) | ربى شمشوم - بُركان

Описание к видео Ruba Shamshoum - Burkan (Volcano) | ربى شمشوم - بُركان

Ruba Shamshoum - ‘Burkan’ from ‘Shamat’ album (2017).
ربى شمشوم - “بُركان” من البوم “شامات” ٢٠١٧

Recorded at Arad Studio in Dublin, Ireland.

Illustration by Charlotte Shama
رسم شارلوت شاما


أجاكو الغول
شوي مشغول
شوي مسطول
أجاكو الغول
مش عارف لشو

حامية ع راسي الشمس
مش شايفة قدامي من الشمس
وانت وين بهالحم؟
بهالحم في دم
بهالحم في دم

حامية ع راسي الشمس
مش شايفة قدامي من الشمس
بتحكيلي راح كله ينحل
حاسة كلشي عم ينشل
وانت وين بهالحم؟
بهالحم في دم
بهالحم في دم

Burkan -

Here comes the monster
a little busy, a little dizzy
here comes the monster
doesn’t know why it was awaken
And the sun
too hot for my head
that sun
I can’t see in front of me
from the sun
and where are you in this heat?
in this heat there’s blood
in this heat there’s blood
And the sun
too hot for my head
that sun
I can’t see in front of me
from the sun
And the sun
too hot for my head
that sun
I can’t see in front of me
from the sun
you keep telling me everything will be alright
I feel like I’m paralysed
and where are you in this heat?
where are you in this heat?
in this heat there’s blood
in this heat there’s blood

Music and Lyrics by Ruba Shamshoum

Ruba Shamshoum - Lead and backing vocals
Orlando Molina - Guitar
Barry Rycraft - Double bass
Matthew Jacobson - Drums
Aleka Potinga - Cello
Jay Wilson - Piano

Recorded and mixed at Arad Studio, Dublin, 2016.
Recording Engineer - Leslie Keye
Mastering - Michael Buckley
Produced by Matthew Jacobson and Leslie Keye
Executive Producer - Amir Salameh

Album Design:
Illustrations - Charlotte Shama
Graphic Design - Joanne Shamshoum
Arabic language advisor - Eyad Barghuthy


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