Last Blitzkrieg (BCS) Campaign Playthrough 16DEC44 Part 1: The Attacks Begins

Описание к видео Last Blitzkrieg (BCS) Campaign Playthrough 16DEC44 Part 1: The Attacks Begins

This video shows the beginning of the first turn (16DEC) and the initial German activation. I had intended to include more activations in this video, but I lost 4 days of filming last week due to work, and I am going to have very limited filming opportunities for the upcoming week (perhaps even two weeks), and I wanted to get something uploaded that showed some actual game play.

I will not be going into as much detail in every activation as I do for the first one, but since one of the goals of this series is to help those unfamiliar with Last Blitzkrieg and BCS get some understanding of how the system plays,I spend some time explaining various rules. This won't be a tutorial series, so I am not covering every single rule, rather I am trying to provide enough (hopefully) information on how things work that people can follow along, or at least understand why I am doing certain things.

The campaign will continue as soon as I am able, and with luck that will be by next weekend. Thanks for watching!


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