Why Do Reid And Allison Like Open Relationships?

Описание к видео Why Do Reid And Allison Like Open Relationships?

Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid from http://reidaboutsex.com/ and I'm just trying to wipe the lip balm off the camera.

Allison: So that we don’t have the Barbara Walters special

Reid: Oh yeah. We could go for the Barbara Walter special effects

Allison: which soothe that on my fine line

Reid: which is the…the so, Allison's driving. This is Facebook live so the video is reversed. Allison's driving, I am wearing my seat belt. I’m putting it properly. And then I will make sure Allison's in the picture but Allison is not going to look at the camera ‘coz Allison’s driving.

Allison: True.

Reid: And we're including you in a conversation because it's just like we were talking while Allison was driving anyway. While you say hello, say hi from where you're saying hi from. We are driving towards Lake Tahoe.

Allison: No.

Reid: Wait, no?

Allison: It’s not where we’re going.

Reid: We’re going…we’re going in the different direction than that. Where we…

Allison: We’re going to Yosemite and we’re going to

Reid: We’re going to Yosemite which is another famous place.

Allison: Not near Lake Tahoe but near on

Reid: Not near the Lake Tahoe

Allison: But we’re going to drive through Sonora.

Reid: We’re going to drive through Sonora so if you’re in Sonora, get your friends out on the road side, wave to us as we go by.

Allison: You’re….want to be three thousand people who lived in Sonora.

Reid: in Sonora. We're driving to the Soul Play festival and we're going to be teaching a bunch of different things. I'll be leading a consent panel, I'll be teaching energetic sex for pragmatists and Allison and I will be leading a conversation called Poly Curious 101 and so when I asked Allison what she want to talk about today, Allison said “well, let's talk about why we like being in an open relationship.” And this is also a heads up that I don't know what the cellphone signal or Wi-Fi is going to be like up there so this…we might not have a video tomorrow or Friday

Allison: Saturday

Reid: Saturday and Sunday

Allison: Yeah.

Reid: So I probably won't Facebook live until Sunday afternoon or evening so just to know that.

Allison: So, so get in folks.

Reid: So get in. Get your…get your fix get your Allison Moon fix now because I know that you're all starting to tune in now just to see Allison. I get…I get the comments, I get the messages everybody loves Allison and that….that no one no one really cares about me

Allison: Oh, whatever.

Reid: anymore. ‘Coz Allison's…I would pick Allison over me and [Inaudible 00:02:27].

Allison: Oh stop.

Reid: So why do you want to why do you like being in an open relationship honey?

Allison: Personally?

Reid: Yeah and we've been together for 10 years now just in case you're just getting to know us now.

Allison: Yeah and I’ve…I mean I've been in open relationships before with Reid….before Reid. I hadn't really been in a successful monogamous relationship at all and when I say isn’t successful I mean I cheated on them or they cheated on me, so that's how I kinda define a not successful monogamous relationship. So, I like being in open relationship for a couple of different reasons: one, is that my sensual, sexual and social preference is with women. I am queer and my…I have a strong preference for women. I'm like Kinsey four and a half or five.

Reid: This is where I make a…while this makes why I don't get blowjobs from you. Thanks so much for the sense.

Allison: And if my parents are watching

Reid: Yeah.

Allison: This is the time not to watch.

Reid: Yeah.

Allison: So, I like a…so because of that, it means that my relationship with you doesn't have to completely exclude that very significant part of my life. So I can still have romantic sensual and sexual relationships with women without it being unethical and in a way that feels like it honors the entirety of my sexual self. This isn't to say that there can't be bisexual and queer people who are monogamous ‘coz

Reid: Yeah.

Allison: they’re certainly are.

Reid: I was going to ask about that.

Allison: I think for me it just would be out of integrity for me to feel like I had to forego those kinds of relationships with women for the rest of my relationship with you.

Reid: Well and…and because it's Pride Month, happy Pride Month everyone.

Allison: Yeah.

Reid: And because I have some…some peers and friends who do a lot of activism or just education around Bi invisibility, there is an interesting thing about you know bisexual people kind of being invisible in a certain way but then there's this weird even more invisible - the bisexual monogamous person who is like well, if you're bisexual, how can you be monogamous and you can totally be monogamous and bisexual and so I just want to give a shout out to...to all my Bi pips and


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