他每天只做兩件事:喝茶、做漆,30年都不膩 He does two things everyday: drinking tea and making lacquer

Описание к видео 他每天只做兩件事:喝茶、做漆,30年都不膩 He does two things everyday: drinking tea and making lacquer

2010年,福建漆藝家梁峰搬到上海城郊,開始了往返上海和福州的雙城生活。 他從十四歲開始做漆,不計成本地復刻元、明古法,做出的漆家具被朋友競相收藏。 梁峰自號“漆茶人”,漆和茶是他生活中最難割捨的部分。 喝茶是他寵愛自己的方式,茶、茶具、泡茶的水,甚至煮水用的碳,都極有講究。

In 2020, Liang Feng, a Fujian lacquer artist moved to the outskirts of Shanghai and began to travel back and forth between the two cities. He began to make lacquer at the age of 14, reproducing the Yuan and Ming ancient methods regardless of the cost and the lacquer furniture he made was collected widely by friends. Liang Feng calls himself “lacquer tea guy”, which are the two things he can’t live without. Drinking tea is his way of spoiling himself and he has a strict standard for tea, tea wares, water, even the coal for boiling water.

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