Elite Dangerous: Ech0 Triple Cornered

Описание к видео Elite Dangerous: Ech0 Triple Cornered

Recently I saw a lawful player group named Dark Echo (Hereafter referred to as their squad tag ECH0) advertising their anti-ganker capabilities in a number of threads on the Elite Dangerous subreddit. Honestly? GOOD. I welcome the engagement of lawful CMDRs trying to stop me doing what I do in HIP 97950. (Especially if that group keeps things in the game and doesn't employ a black hat hacker to dox and harass dozens of members of the community) That being said, I'm not just going to roll over and die the second someone with a set of weapons on their ship tells me it's time to pay up. The following is a true story of the first real lawful versus unlawful fight in HIP 97950 in quite some time, and how it turned out.

Big shoutouts to the two members of ECH0 in that 4 man wing that were there in the fight (you guys are alright), and a special shoutout to that KOLT CMDR who managed to do 0 DPS to me and then high wake. Really living up to our expectations of you.

Ace Attorney - Triple Corner by Sp8ers    • Ace Attorney - Triple Corner  


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