Why Is It So Painful to Be an INFJ?

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Why is it so painful to be an INFJ? Life can be hard for INFJ personality types. And usually, INFJ personality types assume that life is so hard because there is something wrong with them. INFJ personality types are extremely observant, so it’s easy for them to see how they don’t fit in with the groups around them. What is much more confusing though, is why. This leads most INFJ personality types to feel alone, misunderstood, rejected, or weird (and not in a good way). These negative feelings are only compounded by the fact that INFJ personality types are easily able to understand the personalities of others. INFJ personality types quickly grasp the psychological motivations of other people, what makes them tick and why they do the things they do, but INFJ personality types are also painfully aware that other people do not grasp these things about them. The lack of understanding from other people is also not the only thing that makes an INFJ feel so alone in the world. Most INFJs are an enigma even to themselves and this also causes them emotional pain. However, it is possible to learn more about the INFJ personality type and understand the unique INFJ needs that come with having this personality type. It’s important to learn about the INFJ emotional system (and INFJ emotional stumbling blocks), INFJ self-image and self-worth, INFJ relationships with other types, the INFJ creative process, and more. Once you learn about yourself more deeply as an INFJ you begin to feel much less alone.

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You can find out more about Lauren’s books for INFJ personality types here:

The INFJ Revolution: Reclaim Your Power, Live Your Purpose, Heal the World:


The INFJ Writer: Cracking the Creative Genius of the World’s Rarest Type:



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