廣州!北京路!美食推薦!極少人知!環境一流!特價菜多!荷葉蒸水魚39元!麻辣牛蛙38元!3人消費120元!旅遊攻略!酒店價格!五一節假期!連場暴雨!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州!北京路!美食推薦!極少人知!環境一流!特價菜多!荷葉蒸水魚39元!麻辣牛蛙38元!3人消費120元!旅遊攻略!酒店價格!五一節假期!連場暴雨!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #五一節 #旅遊

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/CJhzGxnAWEaoe...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/24/6od
餐廳消費:雪花乳酪包 ¥26,水庫水魚 ¥39,麻辣牛蛙 ¥38
海珠廣場建於1953年,位於中國廣州市越秀區廣州起義路與一德路、泰康路的交會處,該處是廣州舊城中心軸線與濱江景觀帶的交點,是廣州目前唯一的濱江廣場。 中心為廣州解放紀念碑。
由於地鐵二號線和地鐵六號線要從海珠廣場地底通過,故海珠廣場從1999年地鐵二號線動工起幾乎都是圍閉施工。 直到2015年完成六號線的建設後,海珠廣場及週邊道路恢復。
2019年,越秀區政府啟動海珠廣場及週邊環境品質提升建設工程,對廣場及週邊環境進行治理改造。 但相關工程鏟除了廣場的瀝青路,並鋪了長約一公里的環廣場石板路。 但由於石板鋪設不平整,加上車輛行駛後產生磨損、鬆散,導致車輛行經時異常顛簸,下雨天時更容易產生積水。 故有人大代表建議拆除新鋪設的石板路,恢復原瀝青路面。
Haizhu Plaza was built in 1953. It is located at the intersection of Guangzhou Uprising Road, Yide Road and Taikang Road in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, China. It is the intersection of the central axis of the old city of Guangzhou and the riverside landscape belt. It is currently the only riverside square in Guangzhou. The center is the Guangzhou Liberation Monument.
In 1963 and 1982, Haizhu Square and the Guangzhou Liberation Memorial Statue were selected as the new eight scenic spots in Guangzhou with the "Zhuhai Loyal Heart".
Since Metro Line 2 and Metro Line 6 pass underneath Haizhu Square, Haizhu Square has been almost entirely enclosed since the construction of Metro Line 2 started in 1999. It was not until the construction of Line 6 was completed in 2015 that Haizhu Square and surrounding roads were restored.
In 2019, the Yuexiu District Government launched a construction project to improve the quality of Haizhu Square and its surrounding environment, and carried out governance and transformation of the square and its surrounding environment. However, related projects removed the asphalt road in the square and paved a stone road about one kilometer long around the square. However, due to the uneven paving of the stone slabs and the wear and looseness caused by the driving of the vehicles, the vehicles are abnormally bumpy when driving, and water accumulation is more likely to occur in rainy days. Therefore, some congress representatives suggested that the newly paved stone road should be removed and the original asphalt road should be restored.


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00:00 Intro
00:55 廣州海珠廣場/連場暴雨/珠江河面實況
06:42 水上茶居團購價/滴滴拼車需要主要事項
13:33 蝦餃妹/讀餐牌時間
19:35 雪花乳酪包/水庫水魚/麻辣牛蛙
29:37 泰康路/附近美食推薦
35:47 北京路步行街/下雨天遊客熱情不減
39:55 美居酒店/假日房間價格如何?
46:39 光明廣場/南越國水閘遺址
51:01 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心 #Chine Tourse Food #Chine Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #五一節 #勞動節 #北京路 #美食 #蒸水魚 #旅遊攻略 #飯店價格 #特價菜 #連場暴雨 #蝦餃妹 #海珠廣場 #food tourism #food tour in china #北京路步行街廣州 #vlog study #vlog travel #vlog china #guangzhou city #china tour guide


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