Google Cardboard Xbox 360 controlled Raspberry Pi VR Robot Tank

Описание к видео Google Cardboard Xbox 360 controlled Raspberry Pi VR Robot Tank

Here is a project I'm working on that uses a Google cardboard and an XBOX 360 controller to control a robot that streams live stereoscopic video directly to your retinas.

The Android code is actually a service that I wrote that gets data from the accelerometer and magnetometer to calculate the orientation, then sends that data over bluetooth to a Pololu Micro Maestro 6 which drives the servos.

The video streaming service is called UV4L and has a webrtc plugin that serves the video to any local client with a fairly low amount of latency. The documentation can be found here ... I set up my phone as a hotspot, and then hit those servers with 2 different browser windows. The browser windows are from an app called Floating Apps.

The xbox controller service is called xboxdrv. Many thanks to this dude for writing an awesome python module that interprets pygame events that you can use however you want. Im using a Pololu TB6612FNG motor controller to grab the values from the analog sticks that are converted to PWM which in turn drives the motors.

I would like to give thanks to Brandon from Pololu for helping me with the Micro Maestro servo controller. Excellent customer service!


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