HEARING GOD 1 - God Still Speaks. Are you Hearing? - Pastor Ayo Ajani

Описание к видео HEARING GOD 1 - God Still Speaks. Are you Hearing? - Pastor Ayo Ajani

The subject of divine guidance and direction is not something you leave to chance. You're not designed to live by opportunities. (Proverbs 16:25, 14:12)

Your life is a sum total of the decisions you're making, the directions you're taking, and the steps you're taking. Direction not intention determines your destination. No matter how good the intentions are, it does not become the will of God.

God is a speaking God. Every single thing God does, He does by speaking. Nobody can become what God has called them to be without hearing and following the voice of the Lord.

Pastor shared with us foundational thoughts about being led by God:

📍 God has the master plan for your life, you don't have the master plan.
God is a God of plans, you're not an accident of nature. Even when you mess up the plan He still has a plan.

God's obsession is to get you to your destination. All you need to move from one point to another is light. But by the time you get to a crossroad, light is not enough, you need a guide. The Word is light, the Spirit is guide.

God deals with plans, not opportunities, He's not reactionary. (Ephesians 2:10)
There are paths that God has set. You're not to create your own paths, you're to discover the paths.

You're a masterpiece with a master plan and every masterpiece is different, same way no two art designed by an artist are exactly the same. This is because the art was designed not manufactured.

📍 The guidance of the Spirit is your birthright
It's not something you hope, wish, or beg for. (Romans 8:14.) Where being led starts from is acknowledging that it's your birthright in Christ.

If you pray and fast you become more sensitive to His leading, He does not lead because you pray and fast.
Hearing is an art, and following is an art. You can improve the art of hearing and following God's voice.
God always speaks, the question is are you following? Have you staked your life to hear His voice and follow it?

Make that conscious decision that no steps will be taken till you know God's plan for your life.

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God bless you

Pastor Ayo Ajani


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