DAM, "Born Here", Hebrew/Arabic with English subtitles

Описание к видео DAM, "Born Here", Hebrew/Arabic with English subtitles

Palestinian rap group DAM (Da Arab MC's, or "forever" in Arabic) created this music video about the life of Palestinians in Israel. They're from Lod, a town between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, so they're Palestinians with Israeli citizenship (often called "Israeli Arabs"). They usually rap in Arabic, but they made a Hebrew version of this song with a music video to get their message out to the majority of Israelis who don't speak Arabic.

You find out more about them at http://www.dampalestine.com/main.html .

I've always wanted a subtitled version, so I broke down and adapted the lyrics from their website, to create this. I think this is one of the most powerful rap songs out there.

See http://moomtastic.com/born-here.html to see my extended comments on the video and its chorus.

By the way, a lot of people are confused about what DAM stands for, but it really is "forever" or "eternity". See the interview at http://www.democracynow.org/2008/5/15..., where you'll find this:

TAMER NAFAR: Ill just correct you. Actually, dam is eternity in Arabic and blood in Hebrew. So its eternal blood, like we will stay here forever.


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