Prasanna's Success Story: recovery from PPPD, visual dizziness, balance problems & more

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It is such an honor to share Prasanna's story of recovery from extreme and debilitating symptoms of PPPD, including dizziness, visual symptoms, instability and imbalance. In this candid and articulate interview, Prasanna shares his experience and explains how he recovered. His symptoms began in May 2021 and he found my YouTube channel and started getting help about a year ago. Please enjoy!

Prasanna's coach's information: Riaz Peter, Life Coach

00:00:00 Intro
00:03:34 How Prasanna’s symptoms started
00:06:24 even with the diagnosis of PPPD, no one could give him answers about how to recover
00:10:20 Prasanna describes what symptoms were like at that point
00:14:14 He was determined not to take medication
00:16:19 Looking back, the stressors that led to nervous system hypervigilance
00:19:21 at the lowest point, weeks without sleep, crawling up the stairs, feeling like he couldn’t go on
00:24:14 Prasanna’s coach helped him learn deep breathing to calm the nervous system
00:25:20 the importance of stopping identification with the diagnosis and symptoms
00:27:49 Relief from VRT was temporary; he had to change his mindset
00:28:58 Childhood experiences and their role in his nervous system response
00:29:48 Prasanna describes trying to perform music with his symptoms
00:31:43 Prasanna found the Steady Coach YouTube channel in March 2022 and describes how it helped
00:35:19 the importance to of keeping an open mind and believing you can also recover
00:37:01 what it means to “deal with” stress in a new way
00:39:45 Prasanna considers himself 90-95% recovered and has NO limitations in his life anymore
00:40:40 how he handles ups and downs and what tools he uses for self care
00:46:43 what it was like for Prasanna to take this approach (calming nervous system, feel feelings)
00:50:14 the prevalence of neural circuit dizziness among people who have gone through the experience of immigration
00:53:43 Dr. Yo says that connection is one of the cures for chronic dizziness
00:55:21 The goal is to get back to playing football (soccer) at 100%
00:58:05 Do not give up and don’t wait til you’re 100% to start living again DISCLAIMER: Please note that Yonit Arthur, The Steady Coach and any of our other guests are not acting as an audiologist nor offering audiology or medical services services or advice on any public videos or on any other content. This channel provides wellness education and personal opinion only, and are not meant to be a substitute for medical or mental health instruction or intervention. Use any tools discussed at your own risk.


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