Описание к видео LEGEND OF ZELDA: ECHOS OF WISDOM // Blythe Style

Echos of fun to come! Embark on a thrilling livestream adventure with me, your Oni Vtuber Blythe, as I immerses myself in the captivating world of Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Join me as I encounters fascinating characters, explore vast landscapes, and uncover the game's hidden mysteries. This cozy and enchanting gaming experience is bound to leave you filled with joy and excitement—don't miss out!

Follow @AmuiBlythe & @SunriseGalaxia on Twitter to keep up with more important stuff!
~Tip Jar~

Follow me on Twitter to keep up with the off the wall stuff we do!

Follow the other members of ENtRAVERSE for more Action ^^

Before we get into it, we have a few rules in Sunrise Galaxia:
We have a few rules for chat members to abide by in order for everyone to fully enjoy;

1. Don't mention the names of other streamers unless they are brought up
2. Don't fight or argue with others in chat
3. Don’t spam or harass the streamer in any way
4. Don't chat about stuff irrelevant to the stream
#vtuber #envtubers #zatsudan

Music from:    • 1 Hour Upbeat Background Music (Best ...  


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