He Came Because He Loves You - December 22, 2024

Описание к видео He Came Because He Loves You - December 22, 2024


Advent Week 4: Love
This Christmas story is amazing. God the Son comes down as an infant to save us. But why? Why does he come? "He Came Because He Loves You"

Application Questions

Look Back
1. Share how you rejoiced in the Lord this past week? How was it safe for you?

Look Up

2. What stood out to you most from today's sermon?

3. How have you longed for God to come down? How have you experienced this in your life?

4. What do you imagine was the hardest thing for the Son of God about coming to earth?

5. How does Christmas show God's love to you specifically? Why?

6. How do you experience Christ's ongoing presence in your life now?

Look Ahead
7. What specific action is God calling you to do in response to the message today? Share your plan to carry it out.


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