The benefits of taking a mid-career break

Описание к видео The benefits of taking a mid-career break

#career #midlife

Hi there! After about 20 years working in traditional media, I recently took a five-month mid-career break after my last contract wound down in April. It's been an amazing summer of doing not very much at all—but I've learned two pretty important things about myself and from reflecting upon my own experiences, so wanted to share just in case they're helpful for anyone out there thinking about taking a mid-career sabbatical or adult gap year.

1. Taking a mid-career break was the best thing I could have done for myself at this point in my life
2. Going forward, I plan on diversifying my income streams

Some resources I've found helpful (some affiliate links):
— Why We Can't Sleep, by Ada Calhoun
— 'The Rise of the Adult Gap Year', Conde Nast Traveler
— SoFi, for managing finances and investing
— Skillshare, for learning new things

Thank you so much for watching this video! Please like and subscribe and you can find me elsewhere on the internet at   / danicalo  


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