♫ 432Hz ♫ 緩解身體發炎 ♫ 西藏頌缽療癒音頻 ♫ 冥想 Meditation ♫ 助眠 Sleep Aid ♫ EP044

Описание к видео ♫ 432Hz ♫ 緩解身體發炎 ♫ 西藏頌缽療癒音頻 ♫ 冥想 Meditation ♫ 助眠 Sleep Aid ♫ EP044

Vibration of Universe "宇宙振動" 頻道專注於創作身心靈方面的音樂,包含脈輪,瑜伽,冥想,深度睡眠,坐禪。以多種頻率的振動調整身體的工作頻率,放鬆身心,淨化心靈,將你帶回到剛出生時的純淨狀態,達到放鬆身心,淨化心靈的目地。

This channel focuses on creating music for the body and spirit, including chakra, yoga, meditation, deep sleep, and meditation. Adjust the working frequency of the body with multiple frequency vibrations, relax and purify the spirit and body, and bring you back to the pure state when you were born.


All the energy in the universe is produced by vibration. Using the vibration of various sounds to adjust your frequency can help you be aware of all the beautiful things around you. It turns out that life is so abundant and simple. When your frequency is harmonious and your mood naturally improves. Love, happiness, wealth, success, and health will happen to you. Take some time every day to listen to these music, or play it during sleep, and let your body vibrate with frequency in a relaxed state, which can help you enter deep sleep. It can also be used as background music when practicing meditation or yoga postures to make your awareness clearer.

The music in this channel only helps you relax and rest. It has no therapeutic effect and cannot replace medical treatment. If you have any physical or psychological diseases, please seek help from a professional organization.

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