To Rescue A Sinner Like Me (Cover) | LK Marasigan

Описание к видео To Rescue A Sinner Like Me (Cover) | LK Marasigan

I could never fathom how a holy and righteous God has loved and rescued a sinner like me, paying the full price on calvary even if there was nothing in my life that deseved it— ALL OUT OF HIS LOVE & MERCY. I will forever be grateful for the greatest blessing, I and my family have received.
May this song revive and restore the fullness of joy we had in receiving the true salvation and encourage us to zealously praise and serve our Lord for all the days that’s left in our lives. Let the message of this song speak in everyone’s hearts and be a blessing!
My friend, just like me, you are never too lost to be saved. If you haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, pray and confess all your sins and accept Him truly in your heart. God is waiting for you ❤️
“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8

To Rescue A Sinner Like Me by Glenn Calcote


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