廣西柳州最大型早市!什麼都有!蝦餃1元!20元食到飽!超便宜!本地人市場!人氣最旺!遊客必到!30樓旋轉餐廳!飲早茶!服務一流!茶位只要5元!3人消費120元!Food Tour in Guangxi

Описание к видео 廣西柳州最大型早市!什麼都有!蝦餃1元!20元食到飽!超便宜!本地人市場!人氣最旺!遊客必到!30樓旋轉餐廳!飲早茶!服務一流!茶位只要5元!3人消費120元!Food Tour in Guangxi

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣西 #早市 #市場

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/iy2QimHgDarsp...
餐廳消費:鴨腳滷蛋螺螄粉 ¥18,紫金“葡萄” ¥20.80,椒鹽避風塘脆皮蝦餃 ¥27.80,芝士焗糯米雞 ¥24.80,生椰拿鐵慕斯 ¥22.80,黑椒汁金針菇牛肉腸粉 ¥27.80
1950年柳州市工業總產值不足千萬元,次於梧州位列廣西第二;三年經濟恢復時期,於白沙一帶興建了鋅品廠的前身柳州鉛鋅礦,木材廠和磚瓦廠,組建了染織廠,兩年後的1952年,工業總產值已經達到了2,600萬元。 1950年6月,原桂系統戰人士、政務院委員黃紹竑在政務會議上提議中央將廣西省會改設在柳州。但是,黃紹竑等人的提議並沒有獲得表決的機會。
第一個五年計畫期間:柳州工業形成了機械工業,有色冶金工業和木材加工業三大支柱產業。 1954年7月胡志明在柳州現紅樓舊址與周恩來舉行會談,就和平解決中南半島問題的日內瓦會議涉及的重大問題交換意見,並發表了聯合公報。
文革時期:柳州遭受了動亂的浩劫但在工業方面也有亮點。 1966年柳江大橋復建。 1969年柳州第一輛「柳江」牌汽車問世,成為柳州汽車產業的開端。七十年代初,柳州電晶體廠成功製造出高頻三極管。
改革開放初期:柳州工業發展迅速,柳州一度成為華南僅次於廣州的工業城市。柳州市電扇廠、兩面針牙膏廠、柳州開關廠等國企當時被譽為「八大金剛」。 1992年柳州實現了工業總產值超百億元。雖然1993年夏末,百年一遇洪水襲擊柳州,1993年柳州工業產值達142億,列全國城市綜合排名第27名。廣西柳工機械股份有限公司於1993年在深交所上市,成為中國大陸第一家工程機械類上市公司。 藝術中心,文惠橋,魚峰大廈,東環大道,水上中心等大型工程都在當時動工。
In 1950, the total industrial output value of Liuzhou City was less than 10 million yuan, ranking second in Guangxi after Wuzhou; during the three-year economic recovery period, the Liuzhou Lead-Zinc Mine, the predecessor of the zinc product factory, the timber factory and the brick and tile factory were built in the Baisha area, and the dyeing and weaving factory was established. Two years later, in 1952, the total industrial output value reached 26 million yuan. In June 1950, Huang Shaohong, a former Guangxi system strategist and member of the State Council, proposed at the government meeting that the central government should relocate the capital of Guangxi to Liuzhou. However, the proposal of Huang Shaohong and others did not get a vote.
During the first five-year plan: Liuzhou industry formed three pillar industries: machinery industry, nonferrous metallurgy industry and wood processing industry. In July 1954, Ho Chi Minh held talks with Zhou Enlai at the site of the current Red Building in Liuzhou, exchanged views on major issues involved in the Geneva Conference on the peaceful settlement of the Indochina Peninsula issue, and issued a joint communiqué.
During the Great Leap Forward Movement: The central government planned a new industrial zone in Liuzhou and deployed ten major construction projects: Liuzhou Iron and Steel Plant, Liuzhou Thermal Power Plant, Liuzhou Air Compressor Plant, Liuzhou Fertilizer Plant, Liuzhou Second Chemical Plant, Liubei Water Plant, Liuzhou Mini Car Plant, Liuzhou Cement Plant, Liujiang Paper Mill, and the construction machinery factory moved from Shanghai, now Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. Soon after, under the idea of ​​preparing for war, knitting factories, standard parts factories and other enterprises were moved from Shanghai to Liuzhou again. At the same time, Liuzhou actively absorbed the advanced management, personnel and technology brought by the relocation, and built a paint factory, a pharmaceutical factory and a switch factory. By 1960, the total industrial output value of Liuzhou City had exceeded 300 million yuan, and the city's population had increased to 350,000. The Great Leap Forward was a period of rapid development in Liuzhou, which established Liuzhou's status as an industrial city.
During the Cultural Revolution: Liuzhou suffered a catastrophe of turmoil, but there were also bright spots in industry. In 1966, the Liujiang Bridge was rebuilt. In 1969, the first "Liujiang" brand car was launched in Liuzhou, marking the beginning of Liuzhou's automobile industry. In the early 1970s, Liuzhou Transistor Factory successfully manufactured high-frequency triodes.


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00:00 Intro
00:24 柳州賓館/30樓旋轉餐廳飲早茶/風景一流
02:20 讀餐牌時間/當地樓價不便宜
12:29 鴨腳滷蛋螺螄粉/紫金“葡萄” /椒鹽避風塘脆皮蝦餃/芝士焗糯米雞/生椰拿鐵慕斯/黑椒汁金針菇牛肉腸粉
28:58 柳州地下商場/旅遊建議
28:58 青雲路美食早市
49:30 生日星巴克禮遇
52:07 Ending
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