Stationeers: Simple Phase Change Device Heating or Cooling Setup

Описание к видео Stationeers: Simple Phase Change Device Heating or Cooling Setup

I redid the video for building a simple phase change device heating or cooling setup in this closed loop system as the other video had the audio very muffled. With it I fixed up some errors I made along the way and trimmed out the Vulcan setup and added an explanation for setting it up as a heater. This is just a simple phase change device closed loop system. It may not be the best at moving energy around and definitely isn't the only way to build an effective phase change heating or cooling setup, but I can say it is simple to build and simple to set up for anyone who is just beginning to start dabbling into building one of these systems.

0:00 Intro-
0:39 Different atmospheric temp Systems
5:36 Materials Needed
6:55 Construction, Main Device
9:02 Construction, Stable temp Source
12:30 Construction, Choosing a Coolant
15:00 Construction, Pressurizing the system
17:15 Construction, Setting the chambers
20:10 End Result
20:18 Modifications: Setting up a Heating System
24:48 Modifications: Adding a XFlow Heat Exchange
28:00 Closing

I may take the other one down or keep it for the Vulcan demo at the end, haven't decided yet.

I did make a mistake in forgetting to include that if you have too much phase changing occurring in the pipes between the devices, it would be best to either add more volume to the pipes, add an extra chamber, or to remove some of the coolant. In the initial setup for cooling I had the chambers set for 6MPA and 2.9MPA but as you saw just changing the settings for a different setup meant that I now had excess coolants. I should have removed the excess coolant so the system would have then begun functioning correctly if I didnt want to add a new condensation chamber. Evaporation chambers will fill up to 20L of liquid for evaporating so if you have excess liquids, add another evaporation chamber to use up the excess liquids.

One thing I may not have clarified was the limits of phase change heating or cooling is based on the chosen coolant's Latent Heat / Specific heat. This is why a counterflow heat exchange helps the system since it helps to equalize the temperature of the "flowing" coolants in between the devices so that you can cool to a lower temperature or heat to a warmer temperature than you could without the devices. This was why in my Vulcan demo for my living space, Pollutants could go from 120C to 20C for my living space despite a limit of about 80. Without it you would need 2 phase change loops to make it but as you can see, adding a xflow heat exchange to the system isnt difficult if you add some space to account for it.


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