Learn to Ride the New USDF Second Level Test 2!

Описание к видео Learn to Ride the New USDF Second Level Test 2!

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#collection #dressagetraining #riderpositon

Are you riding second level this show season or schooling second level at home this year? Are you having trouble learning the movements? Are you trying to learn the new 2023 USDF tests?

As you probably know, USDF revised many of their tests this year, and Second Level Test 2 was one of the tests they made a few changes to. In this video, Leo and I will be riding the 2023 version of Second Level Test 2 for you! Not only do I have a camera on me front on, but there’s also a drone filming from above so you can better visualize what each movement looks like in the arena.

As I ride, I will be giving a commentary on each movement and how my horse is performing. You can also hear my reader (aka. my husband😂) in the background, so hopefully this helps you picture what movement comes next!

There is a big leap from First Level to Second Level. The movements are much more technical, you have to ride a ton of transitions, and you now have collected trot and canter! If you need help, check out my course on Second Level where you will learn…
·         How to train and ride each movement in Second Level
·         Step-by-step videos on how to ride each test
·         Special videos on scoring and collective marks
·         What the judges are looking for (Second Level theory)
·         Everything you need to know for competition (including how to achieve the right mindset and grooming tips for show day!)

In this course you also get…
·         To ask questions anytime
·         USDF University credits
·         Lifetime access to the content

0:00 Intro
0:50 Entering the Arena
1:33 Medium Trot on Diagonal
1:58 Shoulder-In & Half 10m Circles
2:33 Medium Trot M to P
2:56 Haunches-In & Half 10m Circles
3:35 Medium Walk
3:40 Turn on the Haunches
4:25 Freewalk
4:48 Canter
5:08 Medium Canter
5:22 3-Loop Serpentine
5:56 Counter Canter Left
6:15 Transition to Walk
6:27 Transition to Canter, Medium Canter M to P
6:48 Counter Canter Right
7:05 Transition to Trot
7:14 Ending Test, Halt & Salute at G
7:40 Outro


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